May 20, 2003


written by andrew
in category Indoor, Permanent

Tune is a sound work that treats the FACT building in Liverpool as the canvas for a single sonic composition.

The work interrogates two layers of the building: its physical structure and the social architecture of the space

The installation is based on a unique sonic signature for the building, a 71-minute master palette of sound. Further derivations of this palette, each one a modification of the original pitch and scale are embedded in fixed assets and elements (for example lift buttons, doors, cash registers, security card readers etc.) around the building. It is hoped that this palette will also inform other sound producing devices (computer themes, phone systems, radio adverts). These fixed elements become nodes through which the composition can be accessed.

As these elements are stimulated, a ‘window’ is opened at random points on this composition. The size of this ‘window’ is determined by the element to which it is assigned. Frequently used elements are provided with a narrow gate allowing only brief fragments of the musical composition to emerge. Other fixtures may provide a longer glimpse at the embedded sound.

The palette variation assigned to each element derives from its position within the horizontal and vertical planes of the building. Visitors are taken on a gentle, almost subliminal, journey through the composition. Their experience is determined by a number of elements: the route they choose to take through the space, the volume of activity surrounding them and the time of day they make their journey.

For many the composition will remain a subtle sound work. The main objective is to create a signature, a sonic ‘feeling’ for the building, an identity often felt unconsciously by its inhabitants. Much of our conceptual framework for the installation will be irrelevant to those who participate in its performance. Some may actively seek out elements of the composition whilst for others it will be a wholly subconscious experience yet one ultimately providing a profound recognition of place.

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